If you're looking for alternatives outside the US or otherwise, just google "VPS hosting". I've had excellent experience with Digital Ocean and Linode with the servers I have used. You can use any cloud server hosting company you choose for your Rails application.

If you sign up with my Digital Ocean referral link, you'll get 2 months ($10) free credit to try it out. It costs $5/mo and is a great place to host your applications.

We're going to be setting up a Droplet on Digital Ocean for our server. Using Ubuntu LTS in production allows you to continue receiving security updates which is important for your production server(s). We're using an LTS version of Ubuntu in production because it is supported for several years where a normal version of Ubuntu isn't. This keeps your application running consistently between development and production. Since we setup Ubuntu for our development environment, we also want to use it in production. We will be setting up a Ruby on Rails production environment on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr. Skip all this work and let Hatchbox configure your servers and deploy Rails apps to it.