Download xdebug 3 phpstorm docker
Download xdebug 3 phpstorm docker

download xdebug 3 phpstorm docker

We place the core WordPress files into a separate directory so that we could exclude it from the repository using. src/themes/beonepage that hosts the files for the custom theme. src/wordpress/ for the core WordPress files and. Note that we bind two project directories as volumes. The build instructions for this image will be available in a separate Dockerfile. src/themes/beonepage:/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/beonepage The first one is for the database server: In an empty project folder, we create a docker-compose configuration file, docker-compose-local.yml. The tag used in this project is 5.4.1-php-7.2-apache. The project will use a container built from an official WordPress image. The companion repository for this tutorial can be found on GitHub: wordpress_xdebug Project Setup For simplicity’s sake, we will be debugging an existing theme BeOnePage Lite by BeTheme. The WordPress theme that is the subject of this development project can be a scratch-built custom one or a modification of an existing theme. It should work also with newer versions: download the most recent WordPress and update the reference to the newer WordPress Docker image in the Dockerfile that is mentioned below. The version of WordPress we are going to work with is 5.4.1. To check if it is, go to Settings > Generaland tick the respective checkbox: Make sure the Docker Daemon is exposed on port 2375. This tutorial is written for Windows 10 and Docker Desktop running Linux containers. You will need the Xdebug helper for Chrome or an equivalent helper for other browsers. In this tutorial, we are using version 2019.3.2. PhpStorm is a popular PHP IDE with many useful features including Docker and Xdebug support.

Download xdebug 3 phpstorm docker