I will post all known issues in this first post right under the corresponding load order.If you find an issue with a particular load order, please make sure you have only loaded the correct versions of the map mods listed in that particular load order.Also, don't expect from me that I will give solutions for all issues with load orders we'll have to do it together, and therefore I need your help as well to create correct load orders with as few issues as possible. I will not test every possible load order.I will not create load orders for Open Betas of ETS2.Use the navigation and/or search function of this forum, or use Google. RoExtended forum: RoExtended, Road Connections and Map mods You should know where to find the map mods by yourself most of them can be found here: This thread is purely meant for load order. After that I will start to create the new load order for the new ETS2 update in the first post. This way an archive is created of load orders for older versions of ETS2. With each ETS2 update I will copy the existing load order and paste that in a new post. I will try to keep this load order as up-to-date as possible. In this first post I will post load orders for different map combos. Also, with this load order thread it is easier to have multiple load orders in one place. The load orders in this thread I can print, or even view it on my smartphone, so for me it is easier to use. I know there exists a lot of map combos, especially on youTube, but in order to use one of those map combos I have to write down the load order on paper before I can use that load order in the Mod Manager. Welcome to this load order thread for ETS2 map combos.Īfter thinking about it, I decided to make a new load order thread for ETS2 map combos.